Women in ETFs’ Speakers' Bureau is aimed at helping event organizers and media outlets reflect the diverse talent and expertise in today’s ETF industry. The Bureau is working towards parity in women's representation
at ETF conferences and in the media. Major ETF conference organizers, including Informa (Inside ETFs and Wealth|Stack), Morningstar, and IMN, have endorsed and partnered with WE on the Speaker’s Bureau initiative.
The WE Speaker’s Bureau is also working to increase women’s representation in the media, partnering with Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal, Fund Action, Kiplinger's, and the New York Times.
WE Speakers' Bureau provides a registry of knowledgeable and accomplished women in the ETF industry, highlighting: ETF industry experience, areas of expertise, publications, speaking experience, and style. WE is committed to providing events and training
to develop the next generation of well-qualified speakers, and is focused on providing opportunity for younger members and rising stars at WE events in order to grow the bureau’s pipeline.