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Views from WE members, WE leaders and the greater ETF community on equality and diversity in the workplace.  WE invite all to weigh-in. 

WE Presidents Letter on Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month
WE Leadership, 5.12.2021

May is Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month in the U.S. On behalf of Women in ETFs, we would like to send the warmest greetings to our AAPI members and their families. The 23 million Americans of AAPI heritage are an integral part of American society, bringing rich cultures of art, films, food, and technology innovations that reflect their ancestral origins in East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Pacific Island. Women in ETFs acknowledges and celebrates AAPI members' important contributions to the ETF industry, to our economy, and to their communities.




How To Change Face Of ETF Distribution
By Jillian DelSignore, 6.25.2020

Over the last three months, nearly every conversation I’ve had with ETF industry peers includes the same question: “What do you think the future of ETF distribution looks like in this more virtual world?” It is the million-dollar question, and one that is incredibly important to think through as we adapt to a new normal that includes less in-person interaction.

But the punchline is, no one knows yet.



WE Presidents Letter on Racial Inequality
WE Leadership, 6.12.2020

At its core, Women in ETFs was founded to bring individuals together who actively choose – and fearlessly seek to drive – equality, diversity and inclusion. The recent events related to systemic racism have reminded us of the importance of our mission. We have joined millions around the world who watched these shocking and senseless tragedies unfold and cannot begin to fully comprehend the pain and suffering of those most impacted, both recently and through history. This is not a Black issue, it is a human issue.



Under the Microscope: A Closer Look at Unintentional Bias
By Sue Thompson, 3.13.2018

This week, amidst all of the celebrations of International Women’s Day, with bell ringings at the stock exchanges around the globe, an audience member at one of the events highlighted an upcoming conference. It was an industry conference, sponsored by various companies in the ETF ecosystem. The agenda highlighted the eighteen speakers, all of whom were male.

It would be easy to rail against this conference as a sexist, #TimesUp, example of how women are discriminated against in the financial services industry. But, I think we need to take a closer look...




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